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My more interesting non-work softwares and hacks:

2019/02/12 Whoadude Some oldskool image demo effects
2018/11/25 Roulette Spirograph like fun with hypotrochoids and epitrochoids
2018/10/24 Vimp Vision Impairment Simulator app for iOS
2018/09/13 Structured Animations Demo Structuring SDL animations using a model
2018/09/09 Morié Demo Morié pattern generator that compiles to native desktop application and wasm
2018/09/03 8080 Invaders Emulation of an Intel 8080 CPU, and Space Invaders arcade hardware
2018/08/21 line2table Make tabular data based on a sketch of a graph and make test data or illustrate trends easily
2018/07/21 Car Game A game for BBC micro:bit
2017/01/30 Snek Simple snake game
2016/11/24 WeeBas BASIC interpreter in C#, supporting Tiny BASIC grammar
2015/10/18 Arduboy Morié Morié pattern generator for the Arduboy
200?/??/?? The Matrix C64 "The Matrix" movie animation on a C64 in 6502 assembly